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How to activate followers button on Facebook

How to make followers button on Facebook

The followers button on Facebook allows users to follow your public updates, even if they are not your friends. This can be a great way to reach a wider audience and grow your following.

To activate the followers button on your Facebook profile, follow these steps:

1. Go to your Facebook profile.

2. Click the **three dots** in the top right corner of your profile.

3. Select **Settings & privacy**.

4. Click **Settings**.

5. Click **Privacy** in the left sidebar.

6. Scroll down to the **Public posts** section.

7. Under **Who can follow me**, select **Public**.

8. Click **Save**.

Once you have followed these steps, the follow button will appear on your profile. Anyone who visits your profile will be able to click the follow button to follow your updates.

**Additional Considerations**

* If you have a personal Facebook profile, you can only allow people who are not your friends to follow you if your profile is set to public.

* If you have a business page, you can allow anyone to follow you, regardless of whether your page is set to public or private.

* You can also choose to allow people to follow you only on certain parts of your profile, such as your posts or photos.

* To change your followers settings, you can follow the same steps as above, but instead of selecting **Public**, you can select **Friends** or **Custom**.

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